NAAC Re-accredited 'A + Grade (2nd Cycle)   |  Only Women's College in Jalandhar with Four Years Integrated B.A/B.Ed Course   |    Community College   |   Earn While Learn |    Excellence in Serving for Social Causes    |    ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution   

Admission Guidelines

Application for admission must be made only on the College Admission Form provided along with the Prospectus. The applicant should attach the following Certificates with the admission form:

  1.  Original Certificates of the previous boards/university examination passed.
  2. Five passport – sized photographs, a photocopy of Aadhaar Card and the e-mail Id of the student.
  3. Admission to the college is made provisionally at the sole risk and responsibility of the candidate and is subject to the approval of GNDU. If approval to the admission is withheld by the competent authority for any reason, the student shall bear the whole  responsibility and will not be entitled to any claim from the college
  4. Inter-University migration certificate as well as detailed marks certificate must be attached alongwith, if the student has passed previous examination from some other university.
  5. University Registration card, if already registered with Guru Nanak Dev University.
  6. The Principal reserves the right to grant or not to grant the admission without assigning any reason.

Payment of College Dues

The college dues shall be paid as under

  1.  From May to August (4 months) at the time of admission.
  2. September to December (4 months) along with University examination fee in September.
  3. January to April (4 months) in December along with University examination fee in January.

Code of Conduct

  1. The students are expected to maintain discipline, regularity and punctuality
  2. Students are expected to behave gently and politely in their dealing with fellow students, members of the staff, visitors, the clerical staff and class IV employees.
  3. Students are not allowed to leave till the 6th period or till the time table schedule is over.
  4. The students must help in keeping the college campus and their class room neat and clean. They must make use of dustbins for throwing pieces of wastepaper, peels etc.
  5. “THE COLLEGE IS OURS’ the students are to develop this feeling in their mind and help in keeping the college property in good shape.
  6. They should not tamper with electricity fittings and must switch off the fans and lights before leaving the class rooms.
  7. No student is allowed to involve the name of the college in any publication or outside activity without prior permission of the Principal.
  8. Students are not allowed to write anything, whatsoever on the notice board, walls of the building, doors and windows.
  9. Use of mobile phones in the campus by the students is strictly prohibited.


Absence without leave is fined as follows :

(i) One Lecture Rs. 5.00
(ii) For more than one Lecture / for the whole day. Rs. 20.00
(iii) Absence from the house examination Rs. 100 per paper